Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки ІФНТУНГ

H86          Hrybinyk, Y. І.
    Academic writing [Текст] : handbook (for students and young researchers). р.1 / Yu. І. Hrybinyk, Т. М. Halai. – Ivano-Frankivsk : IFNTUOG, 2022. – 125 p. – (Каф. англійської мови).

   The handbook provides principal information on the basics of academic writing. It consists of six sections, which include subsections that contain theoretical information about the types of written papers (academic and research), vocabulary specific to scientific articles, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Various tasks presented are aimed at consolidating the studied material and developing writing skills in English. It also contains additional exercises and a glossary of terms. The handbook meets the requirements of the Book Chamber of Ukraine for educational and methodological publications, the current curriculum of the disciplines: “English for Specific Purposes”, “Scientific (English) language for Specific Purposes” and is intended for applicants for higher education of the second (master’s) level, for tuters in higher educational establishments and young researchers.

ISBN 978–966–694–385–2УДК 811.111(075.8)


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К/сх - Книгосховище 2 2

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