Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки ІФНТУНГ

J80          Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Engineering [Текст]. – 2017. – Vol. 4, № 1. – 48 p.

   CONTENTS Geology and Geophysics A. P. Mazur, V. S. Bodnarchuk Shale rocks of the Spassk suite of the Lower Cretaceous as the prospective objects for extracting hydrocarbons 1 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Yu. O. Zarubin, М. V. Gunda, V. V. Nikolaychuk, A. V. Lastovetska Risks of gas production forecasting, using material balance equations 8 B. V. Kopey, M. M. Liakh, Yu. M. Liakh, V. V. Mykhailiuk Development of non-marking tubular holding equipment 18 Oil and Gas Transportation O. S. Milenin Numerical prediction of the current and limiting states of pipelines with detected flaws of corrosion wall thinning 26 O. I. Zvirko Corrosion degradation of pipeline steels with different strength grades 38 Oil and Gas Measurement and Testing M. M. Chuiko, L. A. Vytvytska, I. M. Stankovska Quality control of surfactants for oil and gas extraction intensification 43

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Є складовою частиною документа Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Engineering [Текст]. – Twice a year.

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