Електронний каталог науково-технічної бібліотеки ІФНТУНГ

B99          Bygrave, J.
    Total English [Текст] : students' book / Johnathan Bygrave. – Fourth impression. – Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2008. – 152 p. + DVD диск.

   UNIT LESSON 1 Welcome to Total English! page 4 Do you know...? page 6 1 Arrivals Grammar: I'm/you're Vocabulary: numbers 0-9 page 9 Can do: heck in to a hotel 2 My life Grammar: Who ..?; my Vocabulary: numbers 10-99; How old...? page 19 Can do: give bacic information about your family 3 Travel Grammar: we're/they're; affirmative of to be; our/their page 29 Vocabulary: adjectives for describing places Can do: write a simple holiday email 4 In Town Grammar: Can I have .. ? Vocabulary: food and drink; prices page 39 Can do: order food in a caf? or coffee shop 5 Places Grammar: There is/arе Vocabulary: some, a lot of page 49 Can do: give a simple description of a place 6 People Grammar: Present Simple (1): I/You...; object pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them page 59 Can do: say what you like/don't like 7 Work Grammar: imperatives Vocabulary: months page 69 Can do: understand simple written and spoken instructions 8 Leisure Grammar: like + -ing; want + infinitive Vocabulary: adjectives for describing activities page 79 Саn do: explain why you want to do something 9 The Past Grammar: past of to be: affirmative Vocabulary: occupations page 89 Can do: make simple statements about people from history 10 Stories Grammar: Past Simple: regular verbs Can do : understand a simple narrative of past page 99 events LESSON 2 Vocabutary: international words, numbers and alphabet Grammar: he's/she's/it's Vocabulary: letters Can do: greet someone at an airport Grammar: What's your...? Vocabulary: expressions: great, good, OK, bad, awful Can do: ask for and give personal details Grammar: plural nouns; negative of to be Vocabulary: holiday things Can do: say what's in your suitcase Grammar: this, that, these, those Vocabulary: clothes and colours Can do: ask for and understand prices Grammar: Is/Are there... ?; there isn't/aren't; some, any Vocabulary: nationalities Can do: ask about a new town and where important places are Grammar: Present Simple (2): we/they; Wh- questions Vocabulary: jobs and activities Can do: start and continue a conversation with someone you don't know Grammar: adverbs of frequency Vocabulary: work phrases Can do: say how often you do something Grammar: have got/has got Vocabulary: rooms and furniture ; Can do: say what things you possess Grammar: past of to be: negatives and questions Vocabulary: yesterday, last, ago Can do: give a short description of a past experience Grammar: Past Simple: irregular verbs Vocabulary: high numbers Can do: give a simple summary of a news event LESSON 3 Do you know...? page 8 Grammar: useful language Grammar: Where are you from? Vocabulary: common phrases Can do: introduce someone; start a conversation Grammar: his/her; a/an Vocabulary: jobs Can do: give information about other people; write a short personal profile Grammar: Yes/No questions with to be Vocabulary: days of the week Can do: ask for tourist information Grammar: possessive 's Vocabulary: irregular plurals Can do: ask about things and make simple transactions Grammar: can/can't Vocabulary: telling the time Can do: talk about general abilities Grammar: Present Simple (3) he/she/it Vocabulary: verbs of routine Can do: talk about the routines of people you know Grammar: would like Vocabulary: ordinal numbers Can do: welcome a visitor to your place of work Grammar: question words Vocabulary: food Can do: suggest a restaurant; book a restaurant; order food in a restaurant Grammar: Can/Could you...?; Can/Could I...? Vocabulary: housework Can do: make a simple request and ask permission Grammar: going to Vocabulary: future plans Can do: talk about immediate and long-term plans

ISBN 978-1-4058-4828-2УДК 811.111(075.8)


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