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А64          Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект [Текст] = English. Communicative Aspect : підручник / Л. Мисик, А. Арцишевська, Л. Кузнєцова, Л. Поплавська. – Львів : Світ, 2007. – 432 с.

   CONTENTS Передмова 7 Part one Unit I. INTRODUCING PEOPLE, MY UNIVERSITY, FACULTY AND CITY 9 Lesson 1 Introducing People in English 9 § 1. Let Me Introduce Myself 9 § 2. Practical Pieces of Advice on How to Learn a Foreign Language 10 Lesson 2 Ivan Franko National University of L'viv - the oldest Univercity in Ukraine 22 § 1. History of the University of L'viv 23 § 2. The University of L'viv Nowadays 23 Lesson 3 Development of Juridical Science at Ivan Franko National University of L'viv 31 § 1. History of the Faculty of Law 31 § 2. The Faculty of Law at Present 35 Lesson 4 The City of L'viv 40 § 1. L'viv in the Past 41 § 2. The L'viv of Today 43 MODULE CHECKUP 52 Unit II. UKRAINE 57 Lesson 5 Ukraine - Our Native Land 57 Lesson 6 Milestones of Ukraine's History 63 Lesson 7 Contemporary Ukraine 67 Lesson 8 Ukraine's Economy 72 Lesson 9 Education in Ukraine 77 Lesson 10 Ukraine's Capital 83 Lesson 11 Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi - Ukrainian National Hero 86 Lesson 12 Holidays in Ukraine 93 MODULE CHECKUP 98 Unit III THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND 103 Lesson 13 The United Kingdom of Great Britain 104 Lesson 14 Important Milestones in the History of Great Britain Ill Lesson 15 The Britons as a Nation 118 Lesson 16 The System of Government 124 Lesson 17 Economy of Great Britain 130 Lesson 18 Important People of Great Britain 136 Lesson 19 The Educational System of the United Kingdom 142 Lesson 20 Public Holidays of Great Britain 150 MODULE CHECKUP 157 Unit I V. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 163 Lesson 21 United States in Brief: 164 Lesson 22 Milestones of the US History 170 Lesson 23 The American Nation 178 Lesson 24 How the Americans Speak English 183 Lesson 25 US Government 190 Lesson 26 The Constitution of the United States 196 Lesson 27 US Outstanding Lawyers 204 Lesson 28 The US Educational System 212 Lesson 29 Washington 219 Lesson 30 American Festivals 225 MODULE CHECKUP 235 Part two Supplementary Reading 247 To Unit I 1. The University of Oxford 247 2. Law at Oxford 251 3. Law at Cambridge 253 4. Harvard University 254 5. The Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University 258 6. History of NaUKMA 259 7. The University of Kharkiv 262 8. Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine 264 9. The City of Lions Celebrated its 750th Anniversary (2006) 266 10. Nizhyn 267 11. Alfred Nobel - a Man of Contrasts 268 To Unit II 1. Ukrainian Anthem 269 2. Milestones of Ukrainian History 272 3. The Cossack Republic 274 4. The Ukrainians Outside Their Native Land 276 5. Relations of Ukraine With the English-Speaking Countries 284 6. The Council of Europe and Ukraine 285 7. Ivan Franko and World Literature 286 8. Mykhaylo Drahomanov (1841-1895) 287 9. Stepan Bazylevych (1898-1987) 289 10. Leonid Yuz'kov (1938-1995) 290 11. Lina Kostenko about Ukrainians as a Nation 292 12. Old New Hryvnya 295 13. Christmas Eve in Ukraine 296 14. The Miracle of the Christmas Tree (Legend) 298 15. Headline History of Ukraine 300 To Unit III 1. Roman Britain (55 ВС - AD 410) 302 2. The Elizabethan Era 304 3. World War II 305 4. The United Kingdom after World War II 308 5. 26 January: British Settlement of Australia 309 6. John Locke 310 7. Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) 312 8. The British and Their Tea 314 9. Outlines of the British Parliament 316 To Unit IV 1. Gateway to the USA 317 2. The Citiest City in the World 318 3. San Francisco 320 4. How Americans Eat and Drink 321 5. "We Have the Biggest!" 321 6. American Values in Education 323 7. Noah Webster and America's First Dictionary 323 8. Newspapers and TV 325 9. American Values 326 10. The September 11, 2001 Attacks 328 Part three English Alphabet 331 I. Grammar in Tables 334 II. Table of Irregular Verbs 362 III. Find the Right Word for Every Need 365 IV. For Self-work: Common Verbs: do, make, get, go etc 368 Appendices Have a Rest with English 373 I. Conversation Techniques 374 II. Pieces of Good Advice 386 III. Self-Discovery 393 IV. Puzzles 403 V. Puzzle Stories 422 Keys 427 Reference List 429

ISBN 978-966-603-551-9УДК 811.111(075.8)


Місце збереження Кількість В наявностi
АбНН - Аб. наук. та навч. л-ри 38 38
К/сх - Книгосховище 4 4

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